Are you a driver? At the time of writing, there are more than 30 million drivers registered with the DVLA in the UK and unless you are a bungee jumper, driving is probably the most hazardous activity you take part in regularly. It is therefore very important that you understand the need for a regular eye examination and serviceable, up to date spectacles.

It’s also important to consider keeping the DVLA informed of any eye conditions that you might be diagnosed with. There are 23 eye conditions requiring declaration to the DVLA, a full list of these can be found at here. The rules are different for holders of a Group 2 licence.

We are often asked to help with the completion of DVLA forms and are happy to do so. Some of the more common conditions that provoke questions around the need to declare or not are:

Cataract; as long as the minimum standard of vision and field of view is being met there is no need to declare cataract, even if you have it in both eyes.

Glaucoma; if only one eye is affected and the minimum requirements are still met there is no need to inform the DVLA. If Glaucoma is diagnosed in both eyes then the DVLA must be told regardless of your visual ability. This is different for holders of a Group 2 licence.

Diplopia; at your initial diagnosis you should cease driving and inform the DVLA but once the condition is controlled with spectacles or a patch and the usual minimum requirements can still be met driving can resume. The rules are different for holders of a Group 2 licence.

Monocular Vision; this refers to a complete loss of vision in one eye and assumes no light perception. You must not drive and may have to inform the DVLA. If you can still meet the minimum visual requirements of a binocular driver and prove successful adaptation to driving with the condition, driving may be resumed. The rules are different for holders of a Group 2 licence.

Colour Vision; whilst the normal range of colour vision is considered for many occupations, the DVLA does not need to be informed of any defects in colour vision for holders of either Group 1 or Group 2 licences.

Lots of us like to wear tinted glasses when driving and this is something we wholly support, the appropriate use of prescription sunglasses is often essential when out and about. However, it is important to note that only tints that allow at least 80 percent light transmission are suitable for all driving conditions and any tint that has a transmittance of less than 75 percent is not suitable for use in twilight or at night.

There are now many coatings and treatments for lenses available to aid driving in poor light conditions, our Dispensing Opticians can always offer advice on the various options.

If you are still unsure of what to tick on your licence application or renewal please give us a call and we will try our best to assist you.